Who are we?

Corporate philosophy

Women’s aesthetic and functional intimate surgery


We identify and solve the cosmetic and functional intimate problems of women.


It is of utmost importance for us to provide our patients with the knowledge and information she needs in order that she can decide by herself.


We adapt each surgical process to each woman’s personal needs.


We offer our patients information, options and alternatives as well as personalized solutions.


With us, it is possible to obtain a radical improvement of female sexuality.

It is our obsession to provide our female patients with all the information needed to answer all their questions about their sexuality and external intimate looks. In this way, by giving them information and knowledge about those matters, they are able to choose the best for themselves. We reject any surgery on the patient that is meant just to “please someone else.” Partners come and go and many of our procedures are permanent. But, even if they are not, we believe these kind of procedures must be performed only on women who need help for themselves in order to feel more beautiful, confident, or both. Our job is to help the patient identify her problem, whether it is physical or sexual and try to solve it.

The purpose of the procedures we carry out are twofold:


To improve the sexual pleasure by increasing the tension of the vagina’s internal and external muscles, and by reducing the internal and external diameter.


To provide a more aesthetical look to the external structures of the vulva (labia majora, labia minora and clitoris).


We achieve all this with unique surgical procedures developed and perfected by Dr. David Matlock from modified classic gynecologic procedures. The first one is called “laser vaginal rejuvenation,” which increases sexual pleasure, and the second is the “designer laser vaginoplasty” that improves the external aesthetics of the vulva. It is also possible to combine both procedures.



We know what women want because we listen to them. In our Unit, we give you the information and the solutions you need to functionally and aesthetically improve your sexual life. There exist solutions to improve your intimate appearance and your sexual life, and our mission is to help you find the one that better suits your problem; do not let anyone, sometimes even the very same gynecologist, play down the importance of your sexuality, or look down on those who can help you out. One of our patients once told us that she posed her (female) gynecologist the following question: “I have three children. When I cough or exercise , I suffer some minor urine incontinence. What can I do about it?” The (female) gynecologist simple answered: “What do you expect? You’re already 45 years old.


We achieve all this with unique surgical procedures developed and perfected by Dr. David Matlock from modified classic gynecologic procedures. The first one is called “laser vaginal rejuvenation,” which increases sexual pleasure, and the second is the “designer laser vaginoplasty” that improves the external aesthetics of the vulva. It is also possible to combine both procedures.

We know what women want because we listen to them. In our Unit, we give you the information and the solutions you need to functionally and aesthetically improve your sexual life. There exist solutions to improve your intimate appearance and your sexual life, and our mission is to help you find the one that better suits your problem; do not let anyone, sometimes even the very same gynecologist, play down the importance of your sexuality, or look down on those who can help you out. One of our patients once told us that she posed her (female) gynecologist the following question: “I have three children. When I cough or exercise , I suffer some minor urine incontinence. What can I do about it?” The (female) gynecologist simple answered: “What do you expect? You’re already 45 years old.