Hospital Quiron in Valencia has started up a unit of Intimate Surgery leaded by the gynecologists Víctor and José Enrique Martín. The purpose of this new unit is to improve aesthetically the external genital tract of women, to generate a greater feeling of well-being and self-confidence of the patients and to increase the quality of their sexual life.
Consultations to have intimate surgery done have multiplied over the last years among women aged 45 to 50 years as well as among women aged 20 to 30. According to Víctor Martín, “from the 80s, women started to take interest on their more intimate parts, apart from the beauty of their faces and breasts. It is as once the need for a beautiful face and breast has generally been accepted, the interest has started diverting towards other much more intimate parts of their anatomy”.
Among most demanded surgeries, there are labiaplasty, vaginal rejuvenation and hymenoplasty. “However, there are increasingly more women asking for an increase of sensitivity of the G-spot, liposuctions, refilling of labia majora as well as whitening of the anal, vulval and perineal areas. The last one is also offered to male patients”, points out Dr. José Enrique Martín.
Source: EUROPA PRESS / Acta Sanitaria
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